Scan quality Thanks very much for your kind assistant to have my printings scanned yesterday. I look forward to receive scan-color sample soon.
Habeeb, | pleased ... I just wanted to let you know that I was very pleased with my print and Plaque mount.
Jennifer, | beautifully done. This handmade oil painting is beautifully done. I am thrilled with this and would accept this enthusiastically as the final product, unless you tell me that there is a way, at this point in the process to darken the entire image somewhat. I can offer no specific direction in this regard. Again, a remarkable insight of the painter.
Jeff, Miami | A service worth using... I have found the time to send a quick thank-you email...
when I received my print in the mail and opened it, I breathed a sigh of relief of how well and professional it looked! Thanks sooo much...
After much searching, I have finally found a service worth using again and again.
Kim, |