PERFECT! Just received my first canvas print. Just one word to describe it PERFECT.
Edmundo Januario, Edmonton | happy Thanks -- helpful info indeed. Today I got confirmation that my order's been shipped! WOW was that ever fast! Your production facility must be huge -- and super-busy. Thanks to everyone involved with completing/shipping orders. Lookin' forward to seeing these canvases!
Jooly, | Quality paiting I got the painting on Friday. Its beautiful: Perfect size, beautiful contrast of colors, great attention to detail, filled with areas of perfection and imperfections. The more I see the painting the more I fall in admiration for it. The painter has made her smile beautiful and realistic .
Thank you for the painting and thank you for being patient with me.
Shahraam, | great help by phone My experience has been very good, I received great help by phone and my art supplies arrived very quickly. Good job.
Alan A., Westshore |