The PopART picture was great - my son is going to love it!
Thanks again,
Jen, | by far the best ... I have ordered from almost every canvas co. in Canada and your product is by far the best quality out there!!If anyone has clients you can ship direct to them and know they will be receiving the best canvas quality out there-bar none.All the little details [hangers,bumpers,dust wrap etc. are all a welcome bonus too.
debbie fontaine, Edmonton | I am very impressed... I received my first order yesterday and I am almost overwhelmed with the quality of the canvas print. I have had much trouble attempting to print that photo and maintain color trueness. You did an extremely good job on it--I am very impressed and will not hesitate to recommend your service to others.
Terry, | Nice Got the picture today. Very nice indeed! I will be giving you more business.
Ian, Edmonton |