quick reply Thank you, I appreciate your quick reply. I love these plaque mounts and plan to send my pictures soon. Your site is definitely the most user friendly and your custom services are far beyond what is offered elsewhere.
Haji Khanoom, Portland | appreciate it I just wanted to drop in and say that I received the frames yesterday and I appreciate you fitting the stretcher bars in the frame for me. I am working on a pilot project and if it works out, I'll be ordering more frames and looking at getting a Pro Account with you.
Harddy, | Absolutely stunning... I just received my canvases and have to say, on first blush, they are absolutely stunning.
Thank you very much.
Kristi, Edmonton | quality of work! Recently received a plaque mounted photo, that was,also printed by CanadaOnCanvas, very pleased with the quality of work!
Stephen Clyburn, Dominion |