quick reply Thank you, I appreciate your quick reply. I love these plaque mounts and plan to send my pictures soon. Your site is definitely the most user friendly and your custom services are far beyond what is offered elsewhere.
Haji Khanoom, Portland | Great job My husband picked up the frame for me today. Great job, thanks!
Thanks as well for Diana's call to tell me the frame was at fedex Location.
Fedex sent me an automated call as well, both Thursday and Friday mornings.
Great service, thank you,
Anahita, | L. Order was filled promptly and received the order within a few days.
Greta, | How well you mount the canvas on the frames! You do absolutely beautiful work and I am so impressed with how well you mount the canvas on the frames! I have another designer interested in using my work so hopefully I will be bringing you more business in the near future.
Thank you very much!
Mary, Vancouver |